Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I get an Ex Back ?

Ok so Me and my ex broke up a few weeks back, There was a lot of love there. So We talked a lot and hugn out afterwards, occasionally ';hooked up';. She said I didnt make ehr feel ';needed';. Not sure if this is the truth actually but.... It does kind of hurt to see her and not be with her. We are both very proud and that could hamper things. So does anyone have any input ? Back off and let her see what she misses or try to call her and make an attempt? I am a strong believer that people want what they cant have . Maybe I should try to appear unavailable ? Thanks a Million Everybody.How do I get an Ex Back ?
i would be honest with her. if you already make her feel ';not needed'; why seem like you aren't interested? let her know you miss her, love her and want her back!!How do I get an Ex Back ?
dont just move on or go out with some one and throw it in her face
let her know you miss her, love her and want her back!!
if she did not feel needed do you think playing hard to get will work!!!! tell her you miss her and you need her in your life and would like a second chance.
I'm for the belief that if you broke up in the first place something must have been wrong and you two were never meant for each other. Her reason sounds like bs if you were indeed giving her the attention she needed and is probably a cover for something else deeper such as you just weren't meant for her and she could feel it. If you've already hooked up since then then there was plenty of opportunity for you two to get back together permanently. Couldn't hurt you to go for it and see if she feels the same, but play it smart and if she rejects you, let her go. Appearing unavailable is probably the worst thing you can do and will only complicate things.

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